Fire Risk Assessments in Communal Areas

In any building a top priority should be health and safety and a key element of this is fire safety. Ensuring all necessary equipment and measures are in place will ensure you are lawfully compliant but ultimately could end up saving someone’s life if a fire were to rapidly spread. Digging deeper, the preparations need to be in place to cope with desperate situations and one really important process is carrying out a fully comprehensive fire risk assessment.

In this blog we will specifically explore fire risk assessments in communal areas and cover topics such as:

  • Fire risk assessments for communal areas
  • Do I need fire risk assessment in my communal areas?
  • Who can conduct a fire risk assessment for a communal area?
  • What does a risk assessor look out for?
  • What is the cost of a fire risk assessment?
  • How frequently are fire risk assessments required?
  • How to contact Absolute Health Fire Safety

Do you require fire risk assessments for your premises? Call us directly at 0113 418 2911 or use our contact form.

fire risk assessments for communal areas

Fire risk assessments for communal areas

A communal area is a part of a building that is shared by all the people that reside in the same block, complex or space. These include hallways, stairwells, lobbies, lounges, laundry rooms, and any other areas that do not belong to a single unit or individual. You will often find these in blocks of flats and apartments but the same could also count for entryways, canteens, corridors and more in commercial buildings.

In the context of a fire risk assessment, these areas are crucial as they often serve as escape routes during emergencies. Properly assessing these spaces ensures that they remain safe and accessible, allowing for efficient evacuation if needed.

Are fire risk assessments a legal requirement?

So, are fire risk assessments for communal areas a legal requirement? Yes, they are a legal requirement, and reviews should be carried out annually in line with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (2005). Therefore, this is a legal obligation and failure to comply may lead to prosecution or imprisonment.

Fire risk assessments are a legal requirement for communal areas in many types of buildings, especially residential blocks, workplaces, and public buildings. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 enforces this and says that the” responsible person”, such as the landlord, building owner, or property manager, must ensure a fire risk assessment is conducted and regularly reviewed. They help to find all the possible risks and hazards inside or outside a building as well as implement all the measures and procedures to help prevent them.

Who conducts fire risk assessment for communal areas?

To receive a properly accredited fire risk assessment, it must be completed by a competent and qualified fire risk assessor. Whether this is a company or individual, a professional opinion must be obtained. After all, it is their responsibility and job with all the knowledge and experience to help you safeguard your building to the highest standards.

What does a fire risk assessor look out for?

During a fire risk assessment, the assessor will evaluate several key factors within communal areas, including:

Identification of Fire Hazards: This is where an assessor will find things like the sources of ignitions, fuel hazards, oxygen hazards, check electrical appliances and other things that could contribute to a fire.

People at Risk: Individuals who may be at risk, including those with disabilities, children, and elderly occupants will be identified and notified of any issues or changes.

Emergency Routes and Exits: Ensuring escape routes are in place properly, clear, well-lit, and adequately marked.

Fire Detection and Warning Systems: Checking the functionality and coverage of smoke alarms, heat detectors, and fire alarm systems.

Fire Equipment and Accessories: Ensuring the availability and accessibility of fire extinguishers, hoses, sprinklers, fire blankets and more are ready.

Emergency Planning: Adequacy of fire drills, evacuation plans, and signage must be on point.

Maintenance and Housekeeping: Regular maintenance of fire safety equipment and proper storage of flammable materials. Also advising on fire risk assessment updates or maintenance to ensure your building is compliant and always fire safe.

What is the cost of a fire risk assessment for communal areas?

There is no straight forward answer to this simply because the cost is dependent on the size, scale and complexity of your building and communal areas. Factors such as the number of floors, the type of building, and the specific requirements of the assessment can influence the price. Generally speaking, we tend to price per the size of your building.

When you get in touch with us, we will ask you some questions, do a site visit and offer a detailed quotation for you to review. Investing in a professional assessment is worthwhile, as it ensures compliance with fire safety regulations and enhances the safety of all occupants.

Why choose Absolute Health Fire Safety?

You should choose Absolute Health Fire Safety because we are a professional company who have been providing fire risk assessments for communal areas for over 20 years. We’ve got an abundance of experience and expertise to ensure your building is safe from fire and everyone who enters or exits the building is competent in dealing with fire safety.

This could be anything from using fire equipment to escaping quickly, we want to instil confidence into everyone. We tailor our service to suit your needs and requirements and have a keen eye for detail. Upon request, we’d be delighted to show you some of our project portfolio which features numerous communal area fire risk assessments. Trust us and use our 5-star rated services – all there’s left to do now is get in touch with us!

Contact us today

You can contact us in a couple of different ways. We have a direct phone line which we run every weekday from 9am – 5pm which is 0113 418 2911. You can also use our online contact form which is monitored daily too.

In any case, we aim to speak to you within 24 hours at a maximum so please feel free to contact us for top quality fire risk assessments for communal areas. We look forward to hearing from you soon!